TFC GR8JOY is comprised of dedicated and dependable individuals who wish to make a change within the community. No matter how small, our team aims to impact as many youths as possible so that they can learn about real-life stories and lessons that will help benefit them in the future. We want them to live a life that is free from violence and injustice by visiting schools and classrooms to educate students, teachers, and parents. Teaching them about the importance of peace and respect, our team of volunteers and officers focuses on providing the right information that our participants can learn from.
Our director, Officer Miles Davis, is currently a police officer from the Metropolitan Police Department who started TFC GR8JOY by visiting schools and classrooms and giving real-life lessons to students, staff, and parents. TFC GR8JOY discusses current and previous events in and around the community and lets participants have very meaningful outlooks about the topics discussed. Officer Davis believes that this will positively impact their lives. The goal is that each participant will continue to grow and shine so he or she will prayerfully become a productive member of society.
Officer Davis will retire from the police force on June 2020 and will run this organization full time prayerfully, hoping to impact the youth regarding the way they see law enforcement.
Get in Touch
If you are interested in helping our advocacy, please let us know! We’d like to have more helping hands who can ensure the peaceful future of our youth. For inquiries on how to join us, you can visit our Volunteer and Sponsorship pages.